Jörg Specht becomes additional Managing Director of Kaiser GmbH Oberflächentechnik

Jörg Specht has been the additional managing director of Kaiser GmbH Oberflächentechnik since January 1, 2020.

Mr. Specht is a graduate engineer in automation technology and has many years of operational experience as a plant manager and managing director in metal processing in medium-sized companies. Among other things, he has several years of experience in the field of surface finishing and worked for 10 years as a managing director for an automotive supplier.

From now on, Jörg Specht and the long-time managing director Sascha Paduch will lead the company together, whereby the following department allocation has been set up:

  •  Mr. Specht is responsible for the areas of operation & technology
  •  Mr. Paduch is responsible for the sales & administration/finance

About Kaiser GmbH Oberflächentechnik

Kaiser (www.kaiser-oberflaechentechnik.de) has been active in the field of surface coating, especially for corrosion protection, for more than 30 years. The company‘s core competencies are cathodic electrocoating (KTL), zinc flake and powder coating. The majority ft he customers come from Germany.

About Kai Capital Management

Kai Capital Management (www.kaicap.de) acquires small and medium-sized companies as a holding company, especially from so-called succession situations. At least a majority of the equity investments are acquired by Kai Capital Management and run together with the operational management according to entrepreneurial principles. The focus is on the medium and long-term focus of the investments.


Kaiser GmbH Oberflächentechnik
Jörg Specht
Jägersgrund 12
57339 Erndtebrück
E-Mail: jspecht@kaiser-oberflaechentechnik.de
Tel. +49 (0) 2753 594715                                     

Kai Capital Management GmbH & Co. KGaA
Valentin Reisgen
Neuer Zollhof 2
40221 Düsseldorf
E-Mail: reisgen@kaicap.de
Tel. +49 (0) 211 38546450
